Original Source vegan shower gels

Today I want to show you these shower gels by Original Source, do you already know this brand? Following the last post, I continue with a brand that also loves working with what nature has to offer. Their products are made with natural plant extracts and authentic fragrances found from all aspects of nature. Original Source believes in respecting the world, the environment and also the animals, that's why they are proud to carry the vegan trademark on their bottles, because they don't test on animals and their products don't contain any animal ingredients.

//Hoy os quería enseñar estos geles de ducha de Original Source, ¿ya conocéis la marca? Siguiendo con el post anterior, hoy os muestro otra marca a la que también le encanta trabajar con lo que la naturaleza ofrece. Sus productos están hechos con extractos naturales de plantas y fragancias auténticas encontradas en todos los aspectos de la naturaleza. Original Source cree en el respeto al planeta, al medio ambiente y también a los animales, por eso están orgullosos de llevar la marca "vegano" en sus botes, porque no hacen pruebas en animales ni sus productos contienen ingredientes de origen animal.//

Original Source sells basically shower products /gels and I have 3 of them, all with a modern design, recyclable bottles, original texts and made in the UK.
The Shea butter and honey shower gel is packed with natural fragrance, contains fairtrade ingredients and the bottle says that the honey bees have flown 49 miles to make the honey that goes in to this nourishing shower gel.
The Lemon and tea tree one is packed with essential oils, is vegan and contains 10 real zesty lemons and tea tree oil extract.
And the Mint and tea tree shower gel is also vegan and contains essential oils and 7927 tingling real mint leaves in the fully recyclable bottle.
The 3 Original Source products have in common the intense colours and fragrances and also the funny bottles that catch your attention, in my opinion they are supposed to be positive and are aimed at young people. I like them although they're not the typical shower gels I would buy, I usually look for gels that nourish and care about my skin without paying attention to the colour or the intensity of the scent, but I must admit these are nice, they send a good green and positive message and smell great!

//Original Source vende básicamente productos de ducha y yo tengo 3 de ellos, todos con un diseño moderno, botes reciclables, textos originales y hechos en el Reino Unido.
El gel de ducha Shea butter and honey (manteca de karité y miel) está hecho con fragancias naturales, contiene ingredientes de comercio justo y el bote dice que las abejas han viajado 49 millas para hacer la miel que lleva este gel nutritivo.
El de Lemon and tea tree (limón y árbol de té) lleva aceites esenciales, es vegano y contiene 10 limones ácidos reales y extracto de aceite de árbol de té.
Y el gel de Mint and tea tree (menta y árbol de té) es también vegano y contiene aceites esenciales y 7927 hojas reales de menta dentro del bote totalmente reciclado.
Los 3 productos de Original Source tienen en común los colores y olores intensos y también los botes graciosos que llaman la atención, en mi opinión pretenden ser positivos y están dirigidos a público joven. Me gustan aunque no son los típicos geles que yo me compraría, normalmente busco geles de ducha que hidratan y cuidan mi piel sin fijarme en el color o la intensidad del olor, pero admito que estos son monos, con un buen mensaje ecológico y optimista y huelen genial.//

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1 comment:

  1. I had the chance to experience the shower gels before they were available here in Germany and i was really surprised how good they are. I didn't know the brand before the testing so I was really excited to try them. All fragrances are sooo good and the scents are so great!! Especially lemon&tea tree, lime and Vanilla&Raspberry. They are my absolute favourites. During the summer having a shower with lime oder lemon was so refreshing and really a pleasure. Don't wanna miss them anymore. :)

    Dear wishes, Smiley from Smiley-testet


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